Home » Morocco Ranks Ninth in International Climate Change Performance Index
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Morocco Ranks Ninth in International Climate Change Performance Index

The 2023 Climate Change Performance Index (CCPI) has ranked Morocco as ninth globally after Denmark, Estonia, the Philippines, India, and the Netherlands.

The CCPI does not give the top three spots in the ranking because it believes that no nation in the world performs well enough across all index areas to receive a very high overall score.

Morocco ranked among the leading countries when it comes to making efforts to slow down global warming, with a score of 69.82 points.

The North African country ranked ahead of countries such as the United States, France, Germany, Spain, China, and Japan.

It also remains the top-performing African country, surpassing Nigeria (17th), Egypt (22nd), South Africa (45th), and Algeria (54th).

In the Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Use categories, Morocco ranked highly, while performing moderately well in the Renewable Energy and Climate Policy categories.

According to the report, Morocco’s ranking “owes to its low GHG emissions, trend towards greater energy efficiency, and progress in renewable energy production.”

CCPI experts described Morocco as a “an active and supportive actor in international climate politics,” but saw many of the government’s policies as still lacking and called for policies that reduce fossil fuels and encourage ecological protection.

Published yearly since 2005, the CCPI is an independent monitoring tool that tracks the performance of 63 countries in addition to the EU in climate protection.

Soutrce: Morocco World News
