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Sahara: Azerbaijan Reiterates Steadfast Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

The Republic of Azerbaijan has reaffirmed its strong steadfast support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and full sovereignty over its entire Sahara.

The supportive stand was voiced by the government of Baku during the 2nd meeting of the Joint Cooperation Commission held Monday in Rabat under the co-chairmanship of Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita and his Azerbaijani peer Jeyhun Bayramov.

On this occasion, Azerbaijan expressed support for the efforts engaged by the United Nations and Sahara envoy Staffan de Mistura for achieving a lasting political solution to the Sahara question, based on UN Security Council resolutions, notably resolution 2703 and Moroccan Autonomy Plan offering a credible and realistic solution to this regional conflict.

The excellent ties existing between Morocco and Azerbaijan are based on solidarity, trust, mutual respect, permanent dialogue and coordination of stands on issues of common interest, the two sides underlined, expressing their common will to open new perspectives for a fruitful and mutually beneficial partnership.

This includes a real convergence of views on the sanctity of the principle of safeguarding the sovereignty and territorial integrity of States, which is an essential point in maintaining peace and stability in their respective regions.

The session of the joint cooperation commission, which was attended by a large Azerbaijani delegation representing numerous ministries and state institutions, was an opportunity for the two countries to consolidate their commitment to further promoting cooperation in various fields.

in this connection, four agreements and Memorandums of Understanding in various fields were signed between the two countries, illustrating the determination of Morocco and Azerbaijan to diversify and deepen their cooperation relations.

A Morocco-Azerbaijan Business Forum is scheduled to take place Tuesday in Rabat to further strengthen economic ties between the two countries.

Discussions at the Joint Commission meeting also focused on the prospects for establishing triangular cooperation for the benefit of African partner countries. This initiative is in line with the guidelines of King Mohammed VI, who places Africa and South-South cooperation at the heart of the Kingdom’s foreign policy. Azerbaijan is also showing a growing interest in developing its relations with the African continent, paving the way for mutually beneficial opportunities for the triangular activities envisaged.

Morocco was among the first countries to recognize Azerbaijan’s independence in December 1991. The following year, the two countries formally established diplomatic relations, laying the foundations for a long and fruitful relationship.

In 2007, Azerbaijan accredited its first ambassador resident in Rabat. In 2008, Morocco took a similar step, accrediting its first ambassador to Baku. These acts consolidated the two sides’commitment to intensifying their political ties and strengthening their economic partnership.

Source: The North Africa Post
