Home » Morocco Thwarts International Drug Smuggling Attempt at Beni Nsar Port
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Morocco Thwarts International Drug Smuggling Attempt at Beni Nsar Port

Morocco’s national security forces, in collaboration with customs officials at Nador Beni Nsar Port, managed to thwart an international drug smuggling operation on Thursday evening.

The operation resulted in the confiscation of over 140,000 psychotropic tablets destined for Morocco from abroad, SNRT News reported.

According to a statement from the General Directorate of National Security, border surveillance and thorough inspections led to the discovery of the tablets concealed inside a foreign-registered light vehicle.

The interception occurred immediately after the vehicle arrived on a maritime voyage from a Spanish port. The driver, a 44-year-old Spanish citizen of Moroccan origin, was apprehended following the discovery of the drugs.

The suspect is currently under provisional custody pending further investigation by the Judicial Police in Nador under the supervision of the public prosecutor. 

The investigation will aim to determine the full extent of the domestic and international implications of the criminal activity, as well as identify all individuals involved in the operation.

The security operation, as outlined in the official statement, is part of the General Directorate of National Security’s (DGSN) intensive efforts to combat international drug trafficking, particularly the illicit trade of smuggled psychotropic substances originating from outside Morocco. 

The statement added that Moroccan authorities remain committed to safeguarding national borders and ensuring the safety and well-being of Moroccan citizens.

Source: Morocco World News
