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Azerbaijan Reaffirms ‘permanent, Unwavering’ Support for Morocco’s Territorial Integrity

Azerbaijan has reiterated its “permanent and unwavering” support for Morocco’s territorial integrity and sovereignty over Western Sahara.

Azerbaijan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeyhun Bayramov made the statement today during the second session of the Joint Cooperation Commission in Rabat. The commission was co-chaired by Morocco’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita and Bayramov.

During the meeting, Bayramov expressed his country’s commitment to Morocco’s territorial integrity and its sovereignty over the Sahara. 

In addition, the Azerbaijani delegation voiced its support for the UN-led political process and the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the Secretary-GeneralStaffan de Mistura in achieving a sustainable and equitable political solution to the Sahara issue. 

Meanwhile, Bourita highlighted the continuously evolving relations between Morocco and Azerbaijan under the leadership of King Mohammed VI and President Ilham Aliyev.

“Our relations have experienced significant progress, thanks to the guidance of His Majesty King Mohammed VI and President Ilham Aliyev, and the investment of mutual trust and cultural ties that bind our nations,” Bourita said.

He underlined that this leadership allowed both countries to achieve substantial growth across various sectors, fostering bilateral relations based on shared values, mutual respect, and adherence to principles of national sovereignty and historical legitimacy.

For Bourita, the meeting was an opportunity to exchange ideas and discuss effective “formulas” for establishing fruitful cooperation and promising partnerships in multiple fields.

This includes straightening cultural exchange by supporting students and researchers through increasing scholarship between the two countries.

In addition, the Moroccan FM emphasized that this meeting was an opportunity to initiate trilateral cooperation involving African countries by leveraging the expertise of Azerbaijan to contribute to the advancement and prosperity of the continent.

Source: Morocco World News
