Home » Germany Foils Terror Attack in Cooperation With Morocco Secret Services
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Germany Foils Terror Attack in Cooperation With Morocco Secret Services

LONDON – A German-Egyptian national suspected of planning terrorist attacks in Germany, including a truck bomb attack, was arrested after Moroccan security and intelligence services shared information with German authorities regarding the suspected terrorist threat.

German police reportedly neutralized a potentially dangerous terrorist with the help of the General Directorate of National Territorial Surveillance (DGST) on Tuesday.

The individual in question is a 29-year-old German of Egyptian origin named Tarik SS, who is believed to have lived in Duisburg. He was reportedly a veteran of the Islamic State terrorist organization in Syria and Iraq and had several terrorist plans he intended to carry out on German soil, including a bomb attack with a truck loaded with explosives.

According to corroborating information, the Moroccan security and intelligence services informed their German counterparts of the identity and profile of the alleged German-Egyptian terrorist suspect in September and October 2023, providing them with personal data, photos and contact details of the suspect. Based on this information, German police were able to arrest the suspect in Essen.

The DGST has already thwarted numerous terrorist plans beyond the Kingdom and exposed numerous supporters of terrorist movements. The Kingdom’s services are therefore once again confirming themselves as a crucial partner in the international fight against terrorism.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser is expected to visit Morocco next week during which she is expected to meet her counterpart, Abdelouafi Laftit for talk on cooperation on migration. 

Source: Meo
