Home » PLO Official Commends Moroccan King’s Firm & Unwavering Positions, Morocco Renews Commitment to Palestinian Cause
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PLO Official Commends Moroccan King’s Firm & Unwavering Positions, Morocco Renews Commitment to Palestinian Cause

Secretary General of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) Hussein Al-Cheikh has commended the firm and unwavering support of King Mohammed VI to the Palestinian cause and the establishment of an independent Palestinian state.

“The Moroccan stance regarding the establishment of an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital is appreciated and applauded by Palestinian leaders, led by the President of the Palestinian National Authority, Mahmoud Abbas,” Hussein Al-Cheikh said at a joint press conference with Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita, following talks held in Rabat Friday.

In the same vein, he highlighted that Morocco’s prominent position at the continental and international levels makes the Kingdom an influential player in all the political developments in the region. He added that Morocco, with all its potential, plays a very significant role in upholding the legitimate national rights of the Palestinian people in various continental and international forums.

Furthermore, he emphasized the importance of intensifying consultations to develop a unified Arab position with the aim of strengthening and consolidating the Arab role in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Echoing the PLO official, Nasser Bourita said Morocco, under the enlightened leadership of King Mohammed VI, will always be an active player in all initiatives aimed at establishing a comprehensive and equitable peace, guaranteeing the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, based on consensus, and in accordance with international and Arab benchmarks.

He highlighted Morocco’s constant position on the Palestinian cause, a “fundamental and crucial issue in the Kingdom’s foreign policy”, and emphasized the special interest granted to this issue by the King, who has consistently expressed Morocco’s support for the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people to establish their state within the 1967 borders, with East Al-Quds as its capital, in a bid to preserve stability in the region.

Referring to the ongoing violation of Palestinian rights, Bourita said that Morocco, as part of its strategic choice in favor of peace and its relations with the Israeli side, is committed to playing the role of peace promoter and to working to weaken the extremist parties that exploit the Palestinian cause for the sake of one-upmanship rather than engaging in the search for solutions.

In this vein, he underlined Morocco’s firm opposition to any unilateral action likely to compromise the prospects of peace, destroy the two-state solution and exacerbate extremism and violence in the region.

Regarding the situation in Al Quds, Bourita stressed the special attention that the King pays to the Holy City, in his capacity as Chairman of the Al Quds Committee of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, highlighting the Sovereign’s commitment to preserving the city’s legal status and civilizational character.

He stated further that the King ensures that the diplomatic and political dynamic is in phase with actions on the ground, recalling that Rabat-based Bayt Mal Al Quds Asharif Agency works to support the resistance of the inhabitants of the Holy City and preserve the Arab-Muslim identity of the Al Quds through concrete projects. Over 90% of the funds financing these projects come from Morocco, he recalled.

Bourita also mentioned the opening of the Moroccan Center in Al Quds as a space to support Palestinian civil society and initiatives to preserve the city’s identity.

At the bilateral level, Bourita emphasized the directives issued by the leaders of the two countries to reactivate bilateral cooperation mechanisms. In this connection he said that in the coming weeks there would be an intensification of sectoral visits between the ministers of the two parties, in addition to efforts to hold the Moroccan-Palestinian Joint Commission.

Moroccan-Palestinian talks focused on enhancing cooperation in the economic, political, and tourism sectors.

Source: North Africa Post
