Home » Morocco: Revolution of the King & the People to Be Celebrated as Usual, but Without a Royal Speech to the Nation
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Morocco: Revolution of the King & the People to Be Celebrated as Usual, but Without a Royal Speech to the Nation

The anniversary of the Revolution of the King and the People, commemorated by Moroccans every year on August 20, will be celebrated as usual as a historic epic that embodies the strong symbiosis and unwavering bonds uniting the Throne and the People, but King Mohammed VI will not address on the occasion a royal speech to the nation as he customarily does.

“Given that the anniversary of the glorious Revolution of the King and the People comes a few days after the Speech of the Throne (July 30) and before the Royal Speech at the opening of Parliament (second Friday of October), and in the light of experience in this regard, it has been decided to continue celebrating the anniversary of the memorable Revolution of August 20, without a Royal Speech being addressed to the Nation on this occasion,” the Spokesman for the Royal Palace explained in a statement.

“The significance of this memorable anniversary cannot be measured by speeches and celebrations alone, but it is an anniversary so dear to the hearts of all Moroccans, King and People alike, embodying the values of sacrifice and loyalty between a King who preferred exile to renouncing the sovereignty and freedom of his Homeland, and a valiant people who mobilized to defend its sacredness and sacrificed everything dear to them for the return of their rightful King to the Throne,” the Spokesman said.

“The continued commemoration of this anniversary as a national holiday will remain a shining beacon in the History of Morocco, with all that its symbolism requires in terms of celebrations and academic, cultural, artistic, sporting and other events, in all regions of the Kingdom,” the spokesman added, noting that the King, in his capacity as Amir Al-Mouminine (Commander of the Faithful) and Sovereign of the country, reserves the decision to address the nation at any time and on any occasion that he deems appropriate.

Source : The North Africa Post
