Home » West African Development Bank to Invest Around $50m in Road Infrastructures in Niger
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West African Development Bank to Invest Around $50m in Road Infrastructures in Niger

The West African Development Bank – BOAD- will invest around $50 million in road infrastructures in Niger, the President of the Togo-based financial institution, Serge Ekue, announced Thursday.

“We have just been received by the President of the Republic and, as usual, we made an important point in the context of our activities”, Serge Ekue told the media.

“In the presence of the Minister of Planning, we took stock of all the projects at the heart of the country’s economic and social development plan. We have just signed a 30-billion road infrastructure project with the Republic of Niger, and we have others in the pipeline for infrastructure, energy, health and education,” he added.

Ekue said that BOAD has a pile of projects ongoing in the West African country. In 2021, the bank and Niger signed two loan agreements relating to the 1,300 ha hydro-agricultural development project as part of the action plan for the resettlement of communities affected by the impoundment of the Kandadji dam, the Diffa airport rehabilitation and extension project in Niger.

The first project was estimated in the neighborhood of $25 million while the rehabilitation project was valued at around $42 billion.

Source : The North Africa Post
